Registration Form
You cannot submit a claim unless the Claims Administrator has notified you that you are properly registered in the Program. The deadline to register was August 7, 2017.

Although that Registration deadline has passed, you still may register if any of these situations applies to you. Click the one that you think does:
I am a Representative Claimant who has been ordered by a court or other official of competent jurisdiction to be the authorized representative of the a deceased or legally incapacitated or incompetent Retired NFL Football Player (You must register within 180 days of that order).
I am a Representative Claimant for a Retired NFL Football Player who timely registered before his death or becoming legally incapacitated or incompetent and I want to register now as the representative of that Retired NFL Football Player.
I want to register myself as a Derivative Claimant of a Retired NFL Football Player (you must register within 30 days after the Retired NFL Football Player with whom you claim a familial relationship submits a Claim Package).
I am a Retired NFL Football Player but I failed to register by August 7, 2017, and would like to register now (you must provide an explanation on why you did not register on time that is found to be acceptable excuse).
If you are a lawyer representing any of the above persons, click this box
P.O. Box 25369 Richmond, VA 23260